Health services that are most often provided to foreign patients as part of health tourism are services from the areadentistry and aesthetic surgery.
A healthier state of good physical, mental and social well-being. Health is most often used as the term absence of illness. Tourism includes all activities of persons traveling and staying in places outside their usual residence for a period not longer than one year, for the purpose of vacation, business and other reasons.
We have prepared for you maximum comfort, best quality accommodation with air conditioning, free Wi-Fi and cable television .
Also, don't worry about transportation, we organize transportation from the airport, bus station or X-ray center to the accommodation and vice versa.
Niš | Belgrade | Sofia
Niš | Belgrade
involves surgical removal of the skin and subcutaneous tissue in that...
involves the implementation of surgical interventions within the jaw and which...
is the replacement of missing breast tissue after amputation or...
Health tourismis organized for the purpose of treatment, but also the exchange of new knowledge in the field of medicine, which often involves traveling to developed scientific centers.
Because quality staff and low service prices Serbia is increasingly the first choice of patientsfrom all over the world to eliminate many health problems.
For patients from abroad, we have provided:
We want your stay in Serbia to be
Quisque in lorem ut arcu pretium aliquet praesent.
Quisque in lorem ut arcu pretium aliquet praesent.
Put yourself first